Teaching and Mentoring


Professor in the Ph.D. program of Marine Sciences UPC/UB/CSIC since 2004.

Professor and coordinator of the course Marine Zooplankton Ecology in the Ph.D./Master of the Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canarias-ICM(CSIC) from 2005 to 2011.

Professor and coordinator of the course Impact of global change on the marine planktonic ecosystem from the Ph.D./Master program Global Change of the Universidad Menéndez Pelayo and CSIC 2009-2014.

Teacher at the course EC MAST: "Ocean turbulence: a basic environmental property for plankton" Barcelona. September 1995.

Teacher at the course of microscopy CMIMA (CSIC). 30 May a 2 June 2005.

Teacher at the course the challenge of pelagic feeding: from prey detection to secondary production in contrasting pelagic food webs, Danish Institute for Marine Research. Nordic Marine Academy. August 2007, 2009. North Sea Centre, Hirtshals, Denmark.

Teacher at the course Ecology of marine Zooplankton. Danish Institute for Marine Research. Nordic Marine Academy. North Sea Centre, Hirtshals, Denmark 22-31 August 2007.

Teacher at the international Master program Advanced course April 25 to May 7 2012, Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (Greenland): Fate of the Arctic spring bloom.

Main teacher of the course Sampling, analysis, and identification of Marine Zooplankton. March 18 to April 15 2013. Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) – Singapore. 40 hours.

Main teacher of the course Sampling and analysis. 15 - 30 July 2013. Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) – Singapore. 20 hours.

Teacher at the course ITN MixITiN training workshop en la University of Copenhagen (May 30-June 1, 2018).

Member of the Academic Commission of the Ph.D. Program Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Vegetal Physiology from the Universidad de Barcelona. Since October 2022.

Ph. D. Theses Mentoring

Ecología y ecofisiología de cladóceros en sistemas marinos. Dacha Atienza Ariznavarreta, Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya. Codirector Enric Saiz. 2002 – 2006. Cum Laude.

Ecophysiology of marine invertebrate planktonic larvae: species and community level approach. Rodrigo Almeda García. Universitat de Barcelona. Coodirector Miquel Alcaraz. 2005- 2011. Cum Laude. Extraordinary Price.

Biology, ecology and ecophysiology of the box jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria: Cubozoa). Melissa Judith Acevedo Dudley. UIB. Coodirector Verónica Fuentes. 2009-2016 (October 24). Cum Laude.

Diel feeding rhythms in marine microzooplankton. Anna Arias Bulbena. Universitat de Barcelona. Coodirector Enric Saiz. November 2015- 2020 (September 10). Cum Laude.

Patterns of activity in marine planktonic copepods: diel rhythms and driving factors. Manuel Requena Olivares. FPU. Universitat de Barcelona. Coodirector Enric Saiz. 2016-2021 (February 19). Cum Laude.

Feeding in mixoplankton: from the lack of a standardized field technique to the

impact of abiotic factors. Guilherme Duarte Ferreira. Marie Curie program. University of Copenhagen (DK). Coodirector Per Juel Hansen. March 2018-October 2021. Cum Laude.

Acclimation and thermal adaptation in marine zooplankton. Carlos de Juan Carbonell. FPI. Universitat de Barcelona. Coodirector Enric Saiz. September 2019-

Dimethylated sulfur compounds as infochemicals in marine microbial interactions. Queralt Güell Bujons. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Coodirector Rafel Simó. November 2019-

Mentoring of Postdocs

Lidia Yebra Mora, 2006-2009.

Christina Augustin, 2007- 2008.

Julieta Carolina Antacli, 2013-2014

Claire Schmoker, 2013-2014.

Master and DEA

Violeta Saló Rocamora (2005-2006) Aplicació del métode de les dilucions per estudiar l’impacte de la depredació herbívora del microzooplancton en el cicle del DMS(P) Marine Sciences Ph.D. Program, Universidad Central de Barcelona.

Albert Reñé (2007-2008) Relació C/N en microalgues tòxiques. Marine Sciences Ph.D. Program, Universidad Central de Barcelona.

Berta Renom (2008-2009) Variabilitat intraespecífica en les taxes metabóliques de Karlodinium beneficum: creixement i mixotrofia. Marine Sciences Ph.D. Program, Universidad Central de Barcelona.

Helena Guerrero (2009-2010) Oceanography program Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC).

Melissa Judith Acevedo Dudley (2009-2010) Ecología trófica de Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria: Cubozoa). Master in Marine Ecology UIB.

Lorena Olmos Pérez (2011) Efectos de la acidificación y la temperaturea sobre comunidades naturales de microzooplancton marino. Máster in Global Change UIMP-CSIC.

Elena Moreno Collado (2015). How resource limitation may affect feeding rhythms in marine microzooplankton. Master in Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management, Universidad de Barcelona.